Via friend of RAB Mischa and Sean McNally comes the news that the Yankees — or at least those named in the Mitchell Report — are heading down to Washington in a few weeks. Or as Sean put it, “The circus is coming to town!”
Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), head of the House Oversight Committee, has asked some of the folks currently involved in the media pissing contest to come down and testify under oath in front of the Committee on January 16. According to the press release, the committee has invited — but not subpoenaed — Brian McNamee, Kirk Radomski, Andy Pettitte, Chuck Knoblauch and Roger Clemens to testify. Apparently, only Yankees used steroids and were named in the Mitchell Report. Fair and balanced indeed.
Meanwhile, The Times reports that Clemens and McNamee have both accepted the invitation. The others have not yet been reached for comment. With McNamee, Clemens and lawyers in tow, it might actually be worth it to turn on CSPAN the Wednesday after next.
This committee hearing is set for the day after leading baseball figures sit before Waxman and Co. to testify on the findings in the Mitchell Report. Part me wants something — Bud Selig’s resignation, perhaps — to come out of these sessions; the other part of me wants Congress to focus on the future and not something that no one can change.
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